5-Step Guide to Setting Up Your Brand New MemberVault Site

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Hi, I'm Airial Re'nal. And this is the five step guide to setting up your brand new member vault site. So just a quick little snippet about me again, I am Airial Re'nal. I'm a digital business strategist, member, vault certified partner. And my superpowers include simplifying streamlining, and scaling businesses using the power of tech, automation and systems. And I am a beast at troubleshooting. 

Just what is MemberVault? Well, MemberVault does typically are basically a membership site where you can put all your offers courses, downloadables, PDFs, videos, all that good stuff, and even coaching our membership programs all in one place. What really stands out about member vault is its engagement tracking and gamification member vault is really big on the aspect of relationship marketing. Another thing that you will find different about MemberVault is that is a binge and by marketplace, where you can make more sales by pitching less, but making more. And the goal is to create an online experience that mimics how people actually shop in real life. So think about going to an apple store or Verizon store, or anywhere where you have not only the free stuff, but you have everything there. So you can shop and see what you want and what bits what you need. Now let's get more into setting up your member vault. So step number one set up your subscriber hub. 

So your subscriber hub is a product or a group products with your best free content. So think about optins blog posts, podcasts, episodes, live streams, PDFs, videos, just about anything you can think of. This is where you put all of that free content, so people can binge on it. And they get to know a little bit more about you. So if you're familiar with funnels, this is where you would put all of your high quality lead back. Once you have all of your content in your subscribers hub, or whatever it is that you want to call it, then you can have it's where it's set to sign up, someone can sign up for it or opt in just like they would your lead magnets or your other free content. And that way, they will get on your email list, so you can let them know about more of your services and offers. 

Next step is add your paid products. So you can write in that income. Your pay products can include courses, videos, membership options, even if you have coaching services, group calls, group coaching, pretty much anything that you can think of that you want to charge for an offer to your clients and customers. That's where your prey product comes in. And then a little bit we will talk about the payment integration, and how the different ways you can have people pay for those products. Once you have your paid product set up, you can add in bonus modules, you can track engagement, you can have teaser content, which is real good at giving like a taste of what the content is, that's included. And whenever you have teaser content that allows anyone who lands on your site to be able to consume that content. So it's great way to say hey, this is what this program is about. Once you have all your paid products finished, you put them up and again take advantage of the binge and buy marketplace. So say someone comes to my subscriber hub. Once they come to my subscriber hunt, and sign up, which is free, then they can check out Oh, I have the celebrated onboarding, I have my done for you services. I have my tech support, I have the different courses and whatnot. And the good thing about member vault is that you don't have to have all of your products visible at one time. You can have products hidden or invisible so that it doesn't clutter up your marketplace. But this is a great way to get people in to your member vault site to see what you have to offer and you really don't have to push your product like you may have to do with a typical funnel. And that's the good thing about having a binge and buy marketplace. 

The next thing you want to do is pimp out your welcome area. So this is one of my favorite areas of my member vault site. I do believe I don't know why but I guess it just is. So you're welcome area is what people see when they first land onto your site, you have an option of having the welcome area. visible or not, it's really up to you. And you're welcome area, I'm going to give you a few tips. So this use this real estate take advantage of it. The welcome area is a powerful way to introduce yourself, or your business to anybody who lands on here. MV. So for the welcome title, you want to put something fun and friendly, something short, if you're big on emojis, put that there, the text, you can put a tag line to whatever you're about. It's recommended that you put a picture of yourself or some type of video, that way that people can get to know you. And then you have your two buttons, so the primary button and the secondary button. And those can lead to like your calls scheduling a call to you and or signing up for your free resources in your subscribers hub. So I recommend really spending time and taking the time out to pimp out your welcome area.

Now that you have your subscriber hub set up, you have a paid product or service in there you have your welcome area looking all nice. Now it's time to connect your payment processors so you can collect and start taking making sales and collect that money. We have two options for payments you can use either PayPal or stripe, you can use a combination of both or you can use one or the other. It is up to you. And you can easily go to paypal and stripe and sign up for a free account. They will charge fees. But that's all through the payment processor member vault does not charge any fees for the payment integration. That's it just connects to either stripe or PayPal. Another option is you can also use an outside sales cart like Sam cart, Click Funnels WooCommerce thrive cart, those different landing pages and external sales pages and sales carts you can use and you will connect that through Zapier and if that's something you need to do, there is plenty of information in a knowledge base on how to do that. The good thing about number vault is that it takes one time payments, ongoing payments recurring monthly, weekly, yearly. You can do different payment options. You have the different currencies, so US dollar Australian dollar, the Japanese yen, all those different things. So it doesn't matter where you are in the world, you can use member vault. Okay, so we have our subscriber hub, our paid products, our welcome area set up and we have our payment processor set up. 

The next thing is to integrate your email service that way you can keep in touch with your tribe and also let them know and remind them about your member vault account and what's available in it. Member vault naturally integrates with plenty of email services, most of the major ones Active Campaign is the recommended one because MP was actually developed as a power tool for Active Campaign. But as I said, It integrates with other services as well, such as MailChimp, ConvertKit, Infusionsoft, drip ontraport, mailer, lite, and AWeber. If you use any one of those that I mentioned, you can connect your account to membervault by just going into the settings and email integration. Enter your API information that you get from your email service. And you're good to go. If you happen to use a service that's not listed, then you can use our Zapier app to connect your email service to Zapier and Zapier to MemberVault. So, and also a good thing is the webhooks and webhooks are getting a little more advanced. But that's how you can add people to products if you use something like the x funnels sales pages, external sales cart. As I mentioned a little bit earlier, guess what? 

Now it's time to celebrate and tell the world all about the goodness you've just created, aka your member vault site. Now one of the ways you can tell the world is through your email service. Side note, remember, vault does not send emails on your behalf, it connects to your email service. And you can use webhooks, and personalize that personalization tag in order to make it work. So one of these things, one of the things you can send is a welcome email, giving them access to your subscriber hub, that free resource hub and letting them know how to access your account how to log in, and just tell them a little bit about why they should, why they should visit your site to take advantage of that, tell the world have it in every email, have it on your website, have it on your social media. Yeah, you've gotten started. Now I know there are a lot of advanced things you want to do, which remember ball. But this was all about the five basic steps to get it up and going. 

One of the things I want to offer you is my free member vault setup jumpstart kit, the jumpstart kit, a lot of people in my celebrated onboarding they loved this part of which was a pre work for my celebrated onboarding. So it has CaNva templates. It has generators for legal information for your privacy policies, terms and conditions. You have a product planner course planner, how to get started with Active Campaign, the anatomy of a member vault fi and all kinds of goodness in there that I'm always adding. So take a look at that it's free to sign up. So you have to do is opt in. That's it and then you have access to that. Another thing that is in there and this is probably one of my favorite things. I initially created it for my done for you clients. But it is a workbook of everything that is in your member ball. So setting up your welcome area, your branding, your payment integration, your email integration. It also has four other appearance settings, General Settings, affiliate center, your footer, your announcement bar, everything that you can customize a member vault. This has it even actions and it gives you a little snippets about the different actions, importing users even add an admin accounts. So this is a good way to just print this out and use it to your advantage. Another thing that is included is my tools that are the tools that I love and recommend. So any tools that you need in your tech stack, that is in there, chat transcriptions, Link shorteners payments, other payment processors, password security, all that good stuff, because I love, love, love testing out different software, and platforms and courses and everything. So that is in there for you to consume. Make sure you take advantage and go to my member vault site, of course, and download your copy of my member vault. Set up jumpstart kit.


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5-Step Guide to Setting Up Your Brand New MemberVault Site

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